09 June 2010

Feelin' Good

This last fill has really given me a boost in my psyche... I am re-energized in so many ways.

Now that I have what I will call "true restriction", I really feel that I am on my way.. the scale is actually moving downward (not at rocket speed) but it continues to move downward and I am a very happy camper.

And, my psyche is such that I really see great things on the horizon for the weight loss..
I feel better about myself, my pathforward, and just darn glad that this last fill has brought me full cirlce.

I now can connect the dots from the pre-surgery seminar information, to the various bandster's experiences to my own reality with feeling restriction.  And I NOW GET IT..

It is still not a perfect world for me (as I have not learned the lesson that soft pretzels are to go off my life food list)  but the trade off is worth it.. 

Have a great day...


  1. Glad things are going so well for you. You;ve done so well physically, so it's great that everything is clicking with you mentally. We all need that balance! :)

  2. Way to go Barbara!! Glad things are moving along in your favor these days!!

  3. Awesome news! Congrats :)

  4. That's so great Barbara! No more Philly pretzels for me either - but the trade off is absolutely worth it!

  5. Yeah Barbara! Makes all the difference in the world when you finally feel it. xoxo

  6. So happy for you! :) You are doing great!

  7. Good for you!! Hope I'm at that point one day

  8. Hurray!! What a great feeling for you! This is why we are all here----can't wait to join you!

  9. Great news...as humungously frustrated as I am with my lack of restriction, that's how darn happy I am for you and your restriction.
    Lead the way sista...lead the way!

  10. Yeah! Me too. We'll get there together.

  11. I mourn with you on the soft pretzel loss. It's a biggie. But SO HAPPY to hear restriction is yours, my dear. Enjoy. (PS The Hubs is in Newtown tonight, livin' it up at Temperance House.)

  12. Glad to hear you are doing so well. I hope I have a good experience with my fill today also. I find myself slowly getting it too!

  13. It is about time...wouldn't you agree...so glad it is happening for you
