07 December 2010

My Christmas Wish..

I just visited dear sweet Sandy's blog.
Her most recent Post is "Where Are You Christmas".
It is about finding Christmas in your heart..and um not in your stomach..

Please go visit if you haven't ...she also has the song posted by Faith Hill ..
But Sandy's post got me wondering about Christmas.. especially this year.
My husband has fretted about not having anything for me this year, of course I told him I DO NOT want anything (although I may have hinted about an iPhone at some point in the last few months), but really I do not need a thing.  I have many "things".

But I know he will want to give me something... and I thought about this.. and what I would really like to have is a hand written Love Letter.

For those of you around my age, before there were computers, or IM or face book or anything immediate.. you either talked to someone on the phone or you wrote a letter, that required a stamp.. that's was it..
And that's how we communicated when we were both in college.

He wrote me love letters...
Over the years (and we have been married 31 years) the love letters have been condensed.. and they have become  more or less sweet sentiments in cards..
the love was always there..
but not like a full blown love letter.

And so, that is what I want.. I want a hand written love letter..

Now ... how do I let Santa know!!


  1. Seriously - I get love letters all the time for occasions and holidays. I always say that's what I want when he asks...love them and have kept every one. So cute.

  2. Barb, I pray you get your love letter. And maybe an iPhone!

  3. B- I'm glad things are getting back on track with your eating again and that the detox is working. Good for you...
    As for the love letter-- let your husband know that you'd love something like that to treasure...
    I hope he is doing ok today and that you are doing ok too.
    xo V

  4. That is a BRILLIANT idea about the love letter. I might just have to ask my sweetie for one of those. I know what he got me already but you're right - back in the day, I used to get those from him all the time and now - NEVER. LOL!

  5. I agree! Just tell him! How sweet!

  6. What a wonderful idea! I'm like you, don't need or want stuff. But sentiment, sentiment that you can keep forever - that's priceless! Love it!!!

  7. OMG Barb...that is a great "wish" for a gift. I may have to use it myself!

  8. Um. Tell him. I now just buy a few things I want (a lovely package of makeup with purchase of perfume-I needed the brushes and eyeshadow is in a bag in his office). DH will wrap it but at least I get something I want. If I don't tell him, I get some rather weird things. If you don't want to shout it out, have one of your girls be the messenger and maybe they will even get some pretty paper for him to write it on.

    And maybe put up a few of your fav decorations. And download the song for your iPhone (I have the iTouch).

  9. I'm with Sandy - tell him that's what you want. And write one for him too. Best present ever.
