05 March 2013

Never Ever Give UP

My world is a whirl these days....

SO much going on..
Unlike three+  years ago, when I first got my band, all I could focus on was what to eat, how much to eat, how long to chew, when to drink water, when to back off of certain foods.

That priority has fallen off my radar map.

Today presents a whole new set of priorities (job, travel.. AND A NEW GRAND BABY ON HIS WAY).

Yep, but one thing that hasn't changed is  my love/hate affair with my scale.
The scale is finicky.  UP, down, UP, down. 

I have tried many paths to keep the pounds off
TT, Lipo, green coffee bean extract, treadmill, liquid diets... ugh.. I am in a constant search of how to keep the lbs from creeping up.

I am convinced that after all of my magical approaches, there really is only one solution!

I need to hit the treadmill 3x week, Mon through Friday keep cals to 1000 and on the weekend, not get to crazy.  That seems to keep things in tact and not out of control.

I mentioned  above that I am trying the green coffee bean extract (that is a new venture).. I plucked my $30 down on the Dr. OZ version, so we will see how that goes.. Someone I know lost 12 lbs in 6 weeks. so who knows.. I am getting ready to go to FL so I will see if it works on my system or not..

We are getting ready to get some snow.. I hope this is the last hurrah for the winter.. and then on to SPRING!!!

be well


  1. Would you kill me if I said I want some of that bean extract? What's the link? I must have it. LOL And congrats - a new baby!

  2. A new baby! Congrats!!! Funny how we know just what to do, doing it, for me is anothe story! Let me know how the greef coffee thing goes.

  3. Congratualtions on the baby. The due date is just PERFECT.

    Keep us updated on the green coffee bean extract!
