09 February 2010

One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


  1. LOL! I hope you made your trip to the Acme! Was there anything left or are the shelves bare?

    Hope you at least get a day off!

  2. LOL I am happy we have been bombed by snow!! I have been on the LSD and it has kept me mostly snowed in with only my broth and jello to keep me company (sure makes it easier) :D

  3. Oh boy I'm on that map! Take care.

  4. Yep - here it comes again - we are supposed to get 12-18" in Berks. DD's school closed already.

  5. That's awesome. Stay warm!

  6. Home Depot was sold out of shovels, the sales associate tried to sell me a broom. A broom for 2 feet of snow? So expect me at your door step later to borrow your shovel.

  7. I couldn't be happier to be snowed in and my doctor says: alcohol is a liquid for my liquid diet. I'll be a wino today (ha, just kidding, but a glass with dinner to be sure!)
