10 October 2010

Dear Band..

It may have taken me a year to get to this point in our relationship..
but the wait has been sooo worth it.
Yes I have learned a few lessons along the way..
like maybe I shouldn't eat so fast.
And yes.. I just happened to have lost 50 lbs along the way..
But that is not to say that  it didn't take a bit of self discipline in the mix while waiting for you to be a perfect fit.
But this last fill is.. well its just magical.
Honestly.. something is really different about you this time.
Somehow my dear band.. you do not allow that  pain in the ass, head hunger, to interfere.

I don't know if it is because of the way you are sitting around my stomach, or just the perfect level of restriction.. but honestly food just no longer feels like an obsession.

And here is the best part..
I just got on the scale tonight and I am down another lb
And yes, I walked my fanny off at the outlets again.. but really didn't expect to see the loss.

For so many years I thought about getting you.. especially after years of diet failures
And now.. after a full year of courting.. and slowly getting fills..
I now realize the beauty of this science and it is wonderful.
Because now I am in control.
No temptations, no urges to snack..  

Just the desire to be good to my body, and make healthy food selections.
So in 19 days we will have our bandiversary.. and I am looking to another year of saying goodbye to fat


  1. I'm smiling for you, Barb. Congratulations! Your patience has been duly rewarded.

  2. Yay, Barb... I am so glad that you are in the "Green zone"... your description of it makes me think i need a fill or two more to get there, but i look forward to beating head hunger like you. It is the toughest part of this journey. Congrats! *Maria*-"This one time at BAND Camp..."

  3. Barb, so happy for you. I am going for my second fill on Wednesday, and have struggled with my head hunger from day one. I is like the reward for the "sweet spot", as my Dr. calls it, is the practice to "control" this for as long as you can without going nuts. I don't know if I thought that magically this would change immediately one the band was put in, but I am so happy to hear that I am not alone in this thinking. I am happy to hear that the elusive "sweet spot" is reality!!! Great news! Keep smiling we are all proud of you.

  4. I am so happy for you. Now if I can just get back there with you and start losing again. Or maybe if I just gave up the drink it would happen. Hmmmm. Still so happy that things are moving again for you!

  5. Woohoo! The magic of a good fill!

  6. That's the best news I've heard all day.
    Couldn't have happened to a sweeter gal.
    Love ya.
