14 June 2012


1. MY OFFICE IS FREEZING... why can't they get this temperature right?  I dress in multiple layers; have hot coffee all day long and a portable heater going.. apparently I share the same air vent line that cools the IT center..

2. I really love chocolate... no seriously... I really love chocolate.

3. Every day my ab/belly swelling is going down.. It's just going to be swell.  I wore a nice snug black pencil skirt to work today... I wasn't the least bit self conscious.. thank you Dr. M!!
Not the greatest shot since my blouse hangs down in the front.. but you get the idea..

4.  I wish Thursday was Friday... big sigh!

5. I wish my kids could be with their father for father's day

6. I wish a good professional facial wasn't so expensive.

7.  How do you know when you have MOJO?

8. I am tired of my hair extensions, I want them out!!

9.  I hate it when birds poop on my deck

10.  What's up with the robin's egg blue nail polish.. I don't get it.

That's all folks.


  1. I have a ratty sweater on the back of my chair and a heater too. Everyone thinks there's something wrong with me, ha ha! I want to see photos sister!

  2. wow....look at that flat belly! A pencil skirt!!!!


  3. You are just one hot mama! And I couldn't agree more on the facials.

  4. You look amazing....I sent you a message on facebook since I lost everyone's phone number. I don't know how often you go on there.

  5. You look fantastic!!! I don't get the blue nail polish either!!!

  6. lol, I can relate with the #1 spot because I work in the IT department. Ever heard of cipro lawsuit?
